Review of EMINEM / PUNISHER: Kill You one-shot
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Art: Salvador Larroca
Yes you read right. It's a Punisher/ Eminem crossover story. What's next? Spiderman teams up with Ice Cube? Who knows, but if this travesty is the best they can come up with for a Marvel, hip hop collaboration then I seriously fucking hope not.
Now this comic is a real novelty and I'm a Punisher completionist so when I first heard about this curiosity, I had to own it. Even if I wasn't such a big Punisher fan I'd still want to read it out of sheer curiosity, so I'm proud to have it in my collection. But Gods balls, it's bad. And not in a funny way either.
Eminem's path crosses with Franks, by accident when he goes after Barracuda outside one of Em's gigs and it all just goes downhill from there. Turns out Marshal and 'Cuda used to rap together in battles when they was both comin up in the 'hood so they're old mates or something. At one point Eminem beats Frank up, which made me sick to my ass. At least I realised it was some sort of alternate universe deal when Shady cuts off Cuda's fingers (the same fingers Frank chops off in the MAX)
Honestly, I don't really know what I was expecting. A bit of light hearted fun maybe? But all this comic did was get on my nerves. In it's favour the art is good. The Punisher, Barracuda and all the action look good throughout and Marshal really does look like himself, but I just can't forgive the ridiculous, rushed story and script.
The first half of this story was originaly printed in the pages of hip hop magazine, XXL then the second half was shown online before this promotional comic containing the entire story was released in very limited quantities, which explains why it's so expensive. Anyone wanting a look could probably find it to read online somewhere and that'd be my advice.
SCORE 4/10
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