Writer: Pat Mills
Art: Olivier Ledroit
Published by Panini Publishing
Review by Stewart Loud
In book three of my new favourite series written by my new best mate, Pat Mills (well I met him once anyway) it's time for a double helping of plot thickening with a side salad of comedy and more graphic nudity than I thought was actually allowed in a comic book.Requiem attempts to escape the service of Dracula and his order of vampires to be with his one true love from his human life, Rebecca but the vast and varied factions and nations of Resurrection aren't gonna make it easy for him. I think I spotted Hell Boy in there at one point as well.
I keep saying how brilliant these books are but seriously, I can't fault this series so far at all. The standard of the artwork and the sheer outlandishness of the story and locations make me feel like I did as a small child when I first discovered the wonder of comic books. It really does take you somewhere else.
After the incredible opening which sees Requiem and his ex friend Otto in an aerial dog fight in a sky swarming with fire breathing dragons bombing Dracula's fleet with explosive shit, the story takes a slightly different turn as more is discovered about Requiem's previous incarnation, Thurim and his importance to the world of Resurrection both historically and in the future plans of some of Hell's more powerful players.
Something else that's slightly different in this volume is the increased amount of humour, some of which is made all the more chuckle-worthy by how inappropriate it seems for the situation. One scene has an army of pirate zombies massacring and robbing a train full of Vampires while the pirate leader insists they all exercise proper politically correct terminology and behaviour. Calling the Vampires “Daylight challenged”. Quite a few bits of this book feel like they could've been taken straight out of a Monty Python sketch. The Captain: “Now cause a major evacuation of their intestines!” First Mate: “Blow the shit out of them!”
Turns out Dracula and his vampires aren't very popular at all among the other countries throughout Resurrection and pretty much everyone seems to have it in for Requiem for one reason or other. The massive demonic city of Necropolis gets attacked by a plague of man or zombie eating locust monsters and I really do get the feeling that the shit is going to hit the fan in a massive way in the next book, which I already have, incidentally so I won't have to wait long to find out!
I've posted more pictures for this review than I usually do to give you more of a taste of just how good it looks and I took the pictures myself because amazingly I can only find a handful of fairly crummy pictures from the books on google images. I keep going back over each part after I've read it just to look at all the art again and chances are you'll want to as well if you read it.
Another spellbinding chapter in the story of Requiem and his journey through Hell.
SCORE 10/10
Click these links for my other Requiem reviews
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